On Tuesday morning, a woman in Colorado Springs received the surprise of her life when her car was broken into by an uninvited guest

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On Tuesday morning, a woman in Colorado Springs received the surprise of her life when her car was broken into by an uninvited guest. Unfortunately for the woman, the guest wasn’t some handsome prince charming with a bouquet of roses; it was a hungry bear with a craving for sweet treats.

According to local sources, the woman’s boyfriend had left a package of candy bars on the front seat of her car as a romantic surprise. Little did he know that the sweet treats would attract the attention of a nearby bear, who decided to make the sugary snacks his own.

The bear, believed to be a young male, reportedly smashed through the driver’s side window with ease and made a beeline for the candy on the front seat. In his haste to get his paws on the goodies, the bear tore up the car’s interior, leaving claw marks and shredded seats in his wake.

The woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous, was understandably shaken up by the ordeal. “I was walking to my car and I saw the huge mess the bear had made,” she told reporters. “I couldn’t believe it. It’s not every day you see a bear in your car!”

While the woman was lucky not to be in the car at the time of the break-in, the same can’t be said for her wallet. According to estimates, the damage caused by the bear will cost upwards of $10,000 to fix.

Local authorities are advising residents to be cautious of leaving food or other temptations in their cars, as bears are known to be attracted to sweet and savory scents alike. “It’s important to remember that bears are wild animals,” said a spokesperson for the Colorado Parks and Wildlife department. “And they’ll do just about anything to get their paws on some snacks.”

In the meantime, the woman’s boyfriend has offered to replace the destroyed candy bars with a fresh batch. “I just wanted to do something nice for her,” he said. “I didn’t expect it to turn into a nightmare like this.”

As for the bear, he seems to have gotten what he wanted – a sweet, sugary snack and a new story to tell his bear buddies about the time he broke into a car. Let’s just hope he doesn’t decide to make a habit out of it.

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