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Florida Man Catches Alligator in Fire Station – Just Another Tuesday! In a bizarre event that could only happen in Florida, a man was caught on video running through a fire station in Jacksonville and catching an alligator taking shelter under a truck

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Florida Man Catches Alligator in Fire Station – Just Another Tuesday! In a bizarre event that could only happen in Florida, a man was caught […]

Recent News

“Police: HOV Lane Driver’s Passenger Was a Highly Intelligent Mannednequin” In a stunning revelation that has raised eyebrows in the law enforcement and transportation communities, police in Los Angeles have announced that a mannequin was the sole passenger in a car driving in the HOV lane during rush hour

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“Police: HOV Lane Driver’s Passenger Was a Highly Intelligent Mannednequin” In a stunning revelation that has raised eyebrows in the law enforcement and transportation communities, […]

Recent News

Denver International Airport has always tried to keep its customers entertained, whether it’s through the stunning murals lining the terminal walls or the occasional Lost and Found surprises waiting to be discovered

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Denver International Airport has always tried to keep its customers entertained, whether it’s through the stunning murals lining the terminal walls or the occasional Lost […]

Recent News

Animal Rescuers in Colorado Perform Miraculous Feat, Save Kitten from Certain Death on Interstate It was a harrowing scene on the interstate in Colorado when a poor, defenseless kitten found itself stranded in the middle of the road

Estimated read time 3 min read

Animal Rescuers in Colorado Perform Miraculous Feat, Save Kitten from Certain Death on Interstate It was a harrowing scene on the interstate in Colorado when […]