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Texas Man Shocks Nation by Running Half Marathon While Dribbling a Basketball In a stunning feat of athleticism and coordination, Texas native Derrick Johnson has broken the world record for the fastest half marathon while dribbling a basketball

Estimated read time 3 min read

Texas Man Shocks Nation by Running Half Marathon While Dribbling a Basketball In a stunning feat of athleticism and coordination, Texas native Derrick Johnson has […]

Recent News

A Scene Straight Out of a Disney Movie: Horse Gallops Down Philadelphia Highway In what can only be described as a beautiful moment straight out of a Disney movie, an escaped horse went for a leisurely gallop down a Philadelphia highway yesterday, causing both chaos and wonder amongst drivers and bystand

Estimated read time 1 min read

A Scene Straight Out of a Disney Movie: Horse Gallops Down Philadelphia Highway In what can only be described as a beautiful moment straight out […]

Recent News

Texas Man Proves that Dribbling is the Ultimate Secret to a Good Half Marathon A Texas man has recently broken the Guinness World Record by running a half marathon and dribbling a basketball at the same time, proving once and for all that dribbling could be the ultimate secret to mastering the marathon

Estimated read time 3 min read

Texas Man Proves that Dribbling is the Ultimate Secret to a Good Half Marathon A Texas man has recently broken the Guinness World Record by […]