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“University of New England Discovers Orange Lobster Queen, Demands Recognition in the Lobster Kingdom” In a stunning news development, the University of New England has stumbled upon an incredibly rare species of lobster – a mother of 100 baby lobsters, all sharing her distinctive orange hue

Estimated read time 3 min read

“University of New England Discovers Orange Lobster Queen, Demands Recognition in the Lobster Kingdom” In a stunning news development, the University of New England has […]

Recent News

New York City Emergency Management Officials Apologize for Helping Spanish Speakers During Flood Warning In a daring move, New York City emergency management officials attempted to cater to Spanish-speaking residents during a flood warning by issuing a message in Spanish via flying drones

Estimated read time 2 min read

New York City Emergency Management Officials Apologize for Helping Spanish Speakers During Flood Warning In a daring move, New York City emergency management officials attempted […]