City police encountered a vehicle with a rather unusual passenger recently – a mechanical bull! Because what else would you expect to see cruising the streets? The modified car had been pulled over for a routine traffic stop when officers realized that something wasn’t quite right

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City police encountered a vehicle with a rather unusual passenger recently – a mechanical bull! Because what else would you expect to see cruising the streets?

The modified car had been pulled over for a routine traffic stop when officers realized that something wasn’t quite right. Upon closer inspection, they noticed that a mechanical bull had been installed in the passenger seat, complete with its own safety belt.

The driver, who had apparently decided that a traditional passenger seat was simply too dull, was quick to explain that the bull was there purely for amusement purposes.

“What can I say? I wanted to spice things up a bit,” the driver told reporters. “Who needs a boring passenger when you can ride a bull?”

While the move may seem a bit outlandish to the average person, the driver insisted that it was all in good fun – and that the bull had never really caused any issues before.

“I mean, it’s not like the thing is alive or anything,” he pointed out.

Police, meanwhile, called for a tow truck to haul the car and its unique passenger back to the impound lot for further inspection. They expressed concern that a mechanical bull in the passenger seat could distract drivers on the road and cause accidents.

“Frankly, we’re amazed that anyone thought this was a good idea,” said one officer. “I mean, who wants to ride with a bull in the car? It’s just irresponsible.”

The driver, who was issued a citation for not having proper registration and eventually released, said that he was simply trying to bring a little joy to the world and encourage people to think outside the box.

“I think people take themselves too seriously these days,” he said. “We all need to lighten up and have a little fun.”

Whether or not the driver’s stunt qualifies as “fun” is certainly up for debate. But one thing is for sure – it’s definitely not something you see every day.

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