Snakes alive! An Arizona man got quite the surprise when he discovered three slithery serpents were making their home in his garage

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Snakes alive! An Arizona man got quite the surprise when he discovered three slithery serpents were making their home in his garage. In a panic, he called on a snake removal company to come and take care of the situation. However, it turns out that the man’s fears were completely unfounded.

The Mesa resident, who has wisely chosen to remain anonymous to save face, was convinced that his garage had been overrun by rattlesnakes. He reported seeing three of them lurking around, coiled and ready to strike. Naturally, he did what any sane person would do in this situation – he called on the professionals.

A brave team from the snake removal company arrived on the scene, armed with all the necessary equipment to tackle the supposed rattlers. However, things quickly took an unexpected turn.

Upon closer inspection, the so-called rattlesnakes turned out to be nothing more than ordinary non-venomous garter snakes. Yes, you read that right – garter snakes. The harmless, garden-variety kind that you might find slithering around your yard or a nearby park.

One member of the snake removal team, who also chose to remain anonymous, described their client’s reaction to the news as “priceless.” Apparently, he had worked himself up into such a state of fear that he couldn’t even bring himself to be in the same room as the garter snakes. Needless to say, his relief was palpable when he realized that they posed no threat to him or his family.

The incident has sparked some debate among locals about just how easy it is to mistake a garter snake for a rattlesnake. Some have pointed out that the two species look vastly different, with rattlers sporting distinctive diamond patterns and, of course, their trademark rattles. Others have argued that in the heat of the moment, it’s easy to get rattled (pun intended) and mistake any snake for a deadly one.

Regardless of the debate, one thing is clear – the man who called the snake removal company is never going to hear the end of this. Friends, family, and coworkers are all likely to tease him relentlessly for mistaking a garter snake for a rattlesnake. We can only hope that he takes it all in good humor and learns to laugh at himself.

In conclusion, this story serves as a reminder that not all snakes are created equal, and just because something slithers doesn’t mean it’s a threat. It’s always a good idea to exercise caution around wildlife, but let’s not get too worked up over harmless critters like garter snakes. And if you do happen to mistake one for a rattlesnake, just remember – it happens to the best of us.

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