Adorable baby squirrel found in the clutches of a chicken has been rescued and taken into custody by animal control officers

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Adorable baby squirrel found in the clutches of a chicken has been rescued and taken into custody by animal control officers. The squirrel, which has now been named “the lucky one” by caretakers, was discovered in a chicken coop in a rural area and has since been placed in temporary accommodation.

The rescue mission, which was led by officers from the local animal welfare agency, involved a daring escape from a brooding hen who had reportedly become quite attached to the squirrel. Rescuers had to use all of their cunning and a myriad of tactics to successfully coax the squirrel away from its feathered mother.

Fortunately, the little one is now safe and sound, although it is reportedly suffering from some mild shock and a tendency to cluck like a chicken. The animal welfare team suspect that the squirrel may have picked up some of the hen’s habits while it was in their care, but they are confident that with time, it will be able to return to its natural habitat.

“The little guy is a real survivor,” said one of the animal welfare officers involved in the rescue. “We don’t know how he managed to survive for so long in a chicken coop, but we’re really glad that we were able to save him.”

The squirrel has since been transferred to a temporary rehabilitation center where it will receive round-the-clock care. Experts will also be monitoring the animal to ensure that it is strong enough to return to the wild at a later date.

The news of the squirrel’s rescue has been met with widespread amazement and admiration. Admirers have taken to social media to praise both the animal welfare team and the courageous squirrel itself. Some have even suggested that the squirrel was bold enough to have infiltrated the henhouse in a bid to gather intelligence on behalf of its own kind.

“I just love a good survival story,” said one social media user. “This little guy really knows how to make the most of a bad situation. I’m pretty sure he’s the most badass squirrel on the planet right now.”

Although the squirrel still has a long road ahead of it, the support from its admiring public is already giving the little animal all the motivation it needs to make a full recovery. With its newfound fanbase, and a growing reputation as a brave little adventurer, the squirrel is already well on its way to becoming a legend in its own right.

So this is the story of a baby squirrel who got adopted by a chicken and turned into a poultry expert, before being rescued by animal welfare officers and wowing the world with its courage and survival instincts. All in all, it’s been a wild ride for this lucky little furball, and the story is sure to be retold for generations to come.

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