IOWA – In a shocking incident, a slithery serpent was spotted lounging around in a shopping cart at the Iowa Walmart

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IOWA – In a shocking incident, a slithery serpent was spotted lounging around in a shopping cart at the Iowa Walmart. The shopping cart was filled with groceries, and customers were left dumbfounded at the surprise guest.

The Walmart staff were quick to take action and called in exterminators to get rid of the snake. However, to everyone’s surprise, the snake adamantly refused to leave. The reptilian reject demanded to speak to the manager and even asked for a better life.

After a long, dramatic standoff with the Walmart staff, the snake’s prayers were answered. The Walmart staff reached out to the Nebraska Community College, who kindly offered to provide the snake with a new permanent home. The snake, who wished to remain anonymous, did not provide any comments on the matter.

The snake was immediately flown to the Nebraska Community College, where it was greeted with open arms. The students and staff at the college were thrilled to welcome their new classmate. However, the snake proved difficult to handle. In a strange twist of events, the ungrateful snake demanded that it receive its own dorm room and that it be exempt from all assignments.

Despite the snake’s bad attitude, the college staff were determined to play their part in creating a safe and comfortable environment for the snake. They provided it with unlimited food, water, and even a lush garden to bask in. However, the snake was not impressed. It demanded that the garden be painted green and that it only receives Fiji water.

The students were equally unhappy with the snake’s behavior. They made countless attempts to socialize with the snake, but the serpent simply hissed and acted uninterested. The college staff eventually made the decision to hire a therapy cat to help the snake come out of its shell. Unfortunately, the therapy cat was allergic to snakes and immediately ran off.

Despite all the drama with the snake, the college staff never gave up and continued to care for the serpent. They even provided it with a tutor to help it with its studies. The snake is now on track to graduate with a degree in psychology.

In conclusion, the snake found abandoned in the Iowa Walmartwas given a second chance at life and a new home at the Nebraska Community College. Unfortunately, the snake proved to be a bit of a diva and gave the staff a hard time. Nonetheless, the staff never lost hope and continued to care for the snake. The snake is now doing surprisingly well and is set to graduate, showing that even a neglected snake can turn its life around with the help of a supportive community.

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