Barcelona, Spain – In a remarkable feat of dedication and hoarding, a local man has amassed an impressive collection of 3,615 different cellphones

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Barcelona, Spain – In a remarkable feat of dedication and hoarding, a local man has amassed an impressive collection of 3,615 different cellphones.

The man, who wishes to remain anonymous, claims that he has been collecting cellphones for over a decade and has spent thousands of hours scouring the internet and visiting flea markets to acquire his prized possessions.

When asked about the motivation behind his collection, the man stated that he simply enjoys having a wide variety of phones to choose from. Apparently, just having one or two functioning phones like the rest of us is not enough.

The man proudly displayed his collection, which ranged from a vintage Nokia 3310 to a state-of-the-art iPhone X. He even had several rare and obscure models that most people have never seen before, including a phone shaped like a hamburger and one that doubles as a mini-remote control car.

While some might question the practicality of owning thousands of cellphones, the man insists that each one serves a unique purpose. He claimed that he uses certain phones for specific tasks, such as making international calls or playing certain mobile games.

When asked how he manages to keep track of all of his phones, the man smirked and stated that it’s simply a matter of organization. He even has a spreadsheet for his collection, which includes the make and model of each phone, as well as its unique features.

Despite his impressive collection, the man admitted that he has never actually used most of the phones he owns. Instead, he simply enjoys the thrill of the hunt and the satisfaction of adding another phone to his collection.

The man’s family, however, is less than thrilled about his cell phone obsession. They claimed that the phones take up valuable space in their home and that they would prefer if the man focused on more practical hobbies.

In response to his family’s criticisms, the man simply shrugged and stated that he has no plans to stop collecting cellphones anytime soon. He even hinted that he might try to break the Guinness World Record for the largest collection of cellphones, currently held by a man in the United States who owns over 5,000 phones.

Overall, it seems that the man’s love for cellphones knows no bounds. Whether it’s a collector’s item or a practical device, he simply can’t get enough of them. And who knows – maybe one day his collection will become a valuable museum exhibit or be featured on an episode of Hoarders.

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