Man Fails to Make Epic 80-Mile Swim Across Lake Michigan Due to Lack of GPS Batteries In a surprising turn of events, a man attempting to swim an astounding 80 miles across Lake Michigan has given up on the third day of his journey

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Man Fails to Make Epic 80-Mile Swim Across Lake Michigan Due to Lack of GPS Batteries

In a surprising turn of events, a man attempting to swim an astounding 80 miles across Lake Michigan has given up on the third day of his journey. The reason? Loss of not one, but two batteries for his GPS device, which he claims are critical to his success.

Clearly, this individual had not heard of the good old-fashioned method of navigation: a map and a compass. Or, better yet, asking for directions. But no, this man was so reliant on technology that he couldn’t even manage to keep track of a couple of batteries.

To make matters worse, he ended up badly off course. Who could have possibly seen that coming? We can only imagine his confusion and frustration when he realized that he was no longer headed towards his intended destination. But why bother thinking ahead and packing backup batteries when you have a false sense of security that technology will always be there to guide you?

It’s hard to feel sorry for someone who brings such misfortune upon themselves. This man was so determined to make this swim that he was willing to put blind faith in a device that can easily malfunction or die. The fact that he even thought he stood a chance at completing this feat is almost laughable.

Some may argue that it’s not entirely his fault; after all, we live in a society that is so heavily reliant on technology and instant gratification. But let’s not forget that humans have been navigating the seas and oceans for centuries without the help of fancy gadgets. Maybe this man should take a cue from history and try some good old-fashioned navigation techniques.

What’s even more baffling is that this man had reportedly trained for months leading up to this swim. You’d think that at some point during his training, he would have realized the importance of being prepared for unforeseen circumstances. But nope, he chose to put all his eggs in one basket – a GPS device with batteries that seemingly had a lifespan shorter than his planned swim.

It’s hard to say what the future holds for this would-be Lake Michigan conqueror. Perhaps he will attempt the swim again in the future with a newfound appreciation for a good old-fashioned map and compass. Or, maybe he will choose to stick to land-based activities from now on.

Whatever the case may be, we can all take comfort in the fact that sometimes, technology fails us. And in this case, it was a reminder that a little bit of preparation and a lot of common sense can go a long way.

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