Ham Blamed for Ankle Injury at Eataly: Woman Seeks Compensation In a bizarre turn of events, a woman has claimed that a piece of ham caused her to fracture her left ankle during a visit to Eataly in Boston last year

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Ham Blamed for Ankle Injury at Eataly: Woman Seeks Compensation

In a bizarre turn of events, a woman has claimed that a piece of ham caused her to fracture her left ankle during a visit to Eataly in Boston last year. While some may scoff at the idea of being injured by a mere piece of cured meat, the alleged victim is seeking compensation for her misfortune.

According to the woman, who has chosen to remain anonymous, she and her husband were browsing the charcuterie section of the Italian food emporium when the ham attack occurred. As she reached for a sample of prosciutto, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle and was unable to stand. Her husband rushed to her side, but could not identify any obvious cause for the injury.

At first, the couple believed that the woman had simply twisted her ankle or tripped on something on the floor. However, upon closer inspection, they claim to have found a small sliver of ham lodged in the sole of the woman’s shoe. They say that this is proof that the ham somehow caused the injury, and that Eataly should be held responsible.

The woman has since undergone surgery to repair the damage to her ankle, and claims to have suffered significant pain and discomfort in the months following the incident. She is now seeking compensation from Eataly, citing negligence and a failure to maintain a safe environment for customers.

The alleged victim’s case has divided opinion, with some expressing sympathy for her plight, and others ridiculing her claims. Some have even suggested that the woman is simply looking for a payout, and that her story is nothing more than a ham-fisted attempt to make money.

Eataly, for their part, have denied any responsibility for the injury, and claim that they take the safety of their customers very seriously. They have expressed sympathy for the woman’s situation, but argue that accidents can happen anywhere, and that they cannot be held liable for every injury that occurs on their premises.

The case is set to go to court in the coming months, and is likely to be closely watched by legal experts and charcuterie enthusiasts alike. While it remains to be seen whether the woman will be successful in her quest for compensation, one thing is for sure: this is one ham-tastic story that is not likely to be forgotten anytime soon.

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