Here at The Daily News, we are pleased to report on the incredible story of Waldo the sheep, who has officially outsmarted the farmers who were hoping to turn him into lunch

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Here at The Daily News, we are pleased to report on the incredible story of Waldo the sheep, who has officially outsmarted the farmers who were hoping to turn him into lunch. The elusive Waldo managed to escape from New York and was on the run for weeks before being found and rescued by a group of animal rights activists.

The sheep, who has since gained fame for his Houdini-like abilities, was originally being raised for slaughter. But after his courageous escape, he was unsure where to turn. Luckily, the good folks at Farm Sanctuary swooped in and saved Waldo from his grisly fate. They have since transported the animal to a new home where he will be free to roam and live a happy, fulfilling life.

We are thrilled to see the happy ending for Waldo. It truly is a triumph for animal rights activists everywhere. After all, why should we eat meat when we can cuddle up with a cute little sheep like Waldo instead?

Of course, some might argue that Waldo’s escape is a sign of the industry’s decline. If animals are willing to go to such lengths to avoid being turned into bacon and burgers, perhaps we should take the hint.

However, others will point to Waldo’s escape as evidence that we need to tighten up our animal confinement and slaughter regulations. If a sheep can escape with such ease, what other horrors are happening behind closed doors?

We don’t want to get too political here at The Daily News, but we do feel we have to ask how it’s possible that a sheep, of all creatures, managed to evade capture for weeks on end. Who’s running this farm, anyway? Some kind of super-villain?

All sarcastic commentary aside, we do think it’s wonderful that Waldo has found a new home where he can live out his days in peace. We hope that his brave escape will prompt more people to think about where their food comes from and whether there might be a better, more compassionate way to feed ourselves.

To all the animals out there who are tired of being turned into dinner, take heart. If Waldo can make a break for it, so can you.

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