Man Collects Second Big Lottery Prize After More Than a Decade: Must Be Nice, Right? In a story that will undoubtedly fill you with envy and bitterness, a man has recently collected his second big lottery prize after more than ten years

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Man Collects Second Big Lottery Prize After More Than a Decade: Must Be Nice, Right?

In a story that will undoubtedly fill you with envy and bitterness, a man has recently collected his second big lottery prize after more than ten years. You read that right folks, someone out there is winning multiple lottery prizes while the rest of us can’t even seem to scratch off a measly $5.

The lucky man, who wishes to remain anonymous (of course he does), won his first major lottery prize back in 2009. And now, over a decade later, lightning has apparently struck twice as he has yet again won big. Can someone explain to me how this is fair?

According to lottery officials, the man purchased his winning ticket at a convenience store (because of course he did) and claimed his prize money just a few days later. Reports state that the man plans to use his winnings to pay off his mortgage and take a few trips (must be nice, right?).

The rest of us will just continue to struggle to pay rent and put food on the table while this guy gets to live out his wildest dreams. How is this even possible? Is it some sort of sick joke?

It’s not that I’m bitter or anything, it’s just frustrating to see someone else continue to win the lottery while the rest of us are left scratching our heads (and our losing tickets). I mean, really, what sets this guy apart from the rest of us who constantly lose week after week?

Perhaps it’s just good luck or maybe he’s found some sort of secret lottery-winning formula. Or maybe, just maybe, the universe has a sick sense of humor and enjoys taunting those of us who never seem to catch a break.

Regardless of the reason, all we can do is sit back, silently seething with jealousy as this man goes on to live his best life while the rest of us struggle to make ends meet. Congrats, lucky lottery man, enjoy your winnings and your freedom from financial turmoil. As for the rest of us, we’ll just keep dreaming of a life where we can afford to travel or pay off our mortgages with ease. A life where we too can win the lottery more than once. But for now, we’ll just continue to live vicariously through your good luck.

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