Drivers on a busy highway in Alberta had an unexpected surprise on Tuesday afternoon, when a large emu was spotted wandering around in the middle of the road

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Drivers on a busy highway in Alberta had an unexpected surprise on Tuesday afternoon, when a large emu was spotted wandering around in the middle of the road.

The bird, which is not native to Alberta, had apparently escaped from its enclosure and caused quite a commotion amongst drivers who were trying to avoid hitting it. One driver who witnessed the chaos commented, “It was like a scene out of a bad Jurassic Park sequel. I couldn’t believe my eyes.”

Authorities were quickly called to the scene to try and wrangle the emu off the highway and back to safety. However, it wasn’t an easy task. The bird was clearly agitated and kept darting around, causing traffic to come to a standstill.

Eventually, a team of animal control experts arrived and were able to safely capture the emu using a special “bird net”. The emu was then safely transported back to its enclosure, where it hopefully won’t be causing any more problems for passing motorists.

While some drivers may have been amused by the sight of an emu on the highway, others were left shaking their heads at the absurdity of the situation. One driver remarked, “I thought I had seen it all on the roads, from fender benders to road ragers, but I guess this takes the cake.”

Interestingly enough, this isn’t the first time that an animal has caused chaos on Alberta’s highways. In recent years, there have been several instances of cows, horses, and even goats wandering onto the roads and causing traffic delays.

It remains unclear how the emu managed to escape from its enclosure, or why it decided to take a stroll on the highway. Some speculate that the bird was simply looking for an adventure, while others suspect foul play.

Regardless of the emu’s motivation, the incident serves as a reminder of the importance of properly securing animals and preventing them from disrupting traffic. After all, no one wants to be stuck in a massive traffic jam because of a rogue emu.

Only time will tell if Alberta’s highways will be subject to more strange animal sightings in the future. Until then, drivers should remain vigilant and keep an eye out for any unexpected animal visitors on the road. Who knows what kind of animal will cause a traffic jam next!

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