FINLAND- A remarkable and truly heartwarming story has emerged from Finland today, as a long overdue book was finally returned to a local library, a staggering 84 years past its due date

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FINLAND- A remarkable and truly heartwarming story has emerged from Finland today, as a long overdue book was finally returned to a local library, a staggering 84 years past its due date. The whereabouts of the book, a classic novel by Arthur Conan Doyle, had remained a mystery for generations, until a family in Helsinki finally found the novel, gathering dust in their attic and returned it to the library.

It’s hard not to feel emotional reading about this incredible, world-changing event. For close to a century, library workers and patrons alike have been bereft without the seminal classic, having long given up hope of ever basking in its literary glory again. However, thanks to the relentless detective work of a few determined individuals, the wait is finally over.

The book was originally borrowed in 1934, around the time when other popular pastimes included smoking in restaurants and using mercury as medicine. It has been gathering dust in attics and basements for decades, as one generation after another had forgotten all about it. But when the family discovered the macabre tale of Sherlock Holmes and his exploits, they knew the right thing to do was to return it immediately.

Despite being 84 years overdue, library officials were quick to accept the donation of the book, no questions asked. “We are so grateful to the family who discovered the book in their attic and returned it to us,” said Head Librarian Heli Kautonen. “We have been desperately seeking this book for years, but it had long since been lost in the mists of time. This truly is a remarkable day for the library.”

In addition to returning the book, the family has also made a generous donation towards the library’s fines department, to ensure that they are fully compensated for all those years when the novel was absent from their shelves. “Obviously we cannot place a financial value on such an important piece of literature,” added Kautonen, “but we do appreciate the family’s efforts to make things right and we will make sure that the funds are put to good use.”

It’s hard not to be filled with joy at this most remarkable of stories; a tale of friendship, bravery and the enduring power of literature. In fact, if there is a lesson to be learned here, it is to never give up on your dreams. Even when it seems like everything is lost, sometimes miracles can happen, and the impossible can become possible. And if you have any overdue library books still lurking in your house, perhaps now is the time to take a leaf out of this family’s book and return them to their rightful homes.

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