After four long decades of separation, a 95-year-old woman has been reunited with a small sculpture that she accidentally left at an art exhibition in 1981

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After four long decades of separation, a 95-year-old woman has been reunited with a small sculpture that she accidentally left at an art exhibition in 1981. The sculpture, which has been described as a “small, unremarkable bronze piece”, was found by a janitor who stumbled upon it while sweeping the floors in the exhibition hall.

The 95-year-old woman, whose name has been withheld, said that she couldn’t believe her eyes when she received a call from the exhibition organisers informing her about the sculpture. “I had completely forgotten about it,” she said. “I thought I had lost it for good.”

The sculpture, reportedly worth $5, has been in the possession of the janitor, who has kept it in his garage for safekeeping all these years. “I always knew it was something special,” he said. “I just had a feeling that someone, someday, would come looking for it.”

The reunion, which took place in the woman’s retirement home, was an emotional one. “I’m just so grateful to have it back,” she said, tears welling up in her eyes. “It’s a reminder of a different time in my life. A time when I still gave a damn about art.”

The sculpture, which has been described by art experts as “unremarkable”, is now on display in the woman’s room at the retirement home, where it is receiving the attention that it deserves. “It’s wonderful to see it again,” the woman said. “It’s like seeing an old friend.”

Meanwhile, the janitor, who has become something of a celebrity in the art world, has been inundated with requests for interviews. “It’s crazy,” he said. “I’m just a janitor who found a sculpture. I don’t know why people are so interested.”

The exhibition organisers, who have been praised for their honesty and integrity in keeping the sculpture safe for over 40 years, said that they were delighted to reunite the woman with her lost treasure. “It’s what we do,” a spokesperson said. “We’re in the business of preserving art and making sure that it’s accessible to everyone.”

The story of the reunited sculpture has become something of a viral sensation on social media, with people hailing it as a heartwarming tale of honesty and human kindness. “This just goes to show that there are still good people out there,” one commenter said. “It’s nice to hear some good news for a change.”

As for the sculpture itself, it will remain in the woman’s possession until the end of her days. “I plan to will it to my grandchildren,” she said. “Maybe they’ll appreciate it more than I did.”

In conclusion, all’s well that ends well. A small, unremarkable sculpture that nobody cared about was lost for 40 years before being found in a garage by a janitor who has now become famous for his honesty. The sculpture has been returned to its rightful owner, who will cherish it for the rest of her days. It just goes to show that good things still happen in this world, even if they don’t usually involve small, unremarkable sculptures.

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