BISON ON THE LOOSE: WISCONSIN SHERIFF’S OFFICE ISSUES GRAVE WARNING TO MOTORISTS Attention all drivers: there’s a buffalo on the loose! And the Wisconsin Police Department wants you to be on high alert in case you accidentally run into it

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Attention all drivers: there’s a buffalo on the loose! And the Wisconsin Police Department wants you to be on high alert in case you accidentally run into it.

According to local reports, a bison was spotted wandering dangerously close to a highway in the great state of Wisconsin. The sheriff’s office, rightfully concerned for the safety of their community, has issued a dire warning to all motorists passing through the area.

“Be vigilant, take extra care on the roads, and keep your eyes peeled for this rogue buffalo,” the Sheriff’s office warned in a statement that probably has people scrambling for cover. “If you see the animal, do not approach it, as it could become hostile.”

Of course, it’s not every day that you see a giant bison strolling nonchalantly down the road. But instead of treating the situation with the urgency that it probably deserves, people are taking to social media to make light of the situation.

One Wisconsin resident tweeted, “Hey, #BuffaloBill, if you’re looking for your pet bison, it’s in Wisconsin causing havoc.” Another user posted, “I guess it’s time to release my inner cowboy and start practicing my lassoing skills! Yeehaw!”

Meanwhile, some animal enthusiasts are shaking their heads and wondering how on earth a majestic 2,000-pound beast could get loose in the first place. Where is the accountability in this country, anyway?

Whether you’re an indifferent bystander or a passionate buffalo advocate, one thing is for sure: this bison is on the loose, and the Wisconsin Sheriff’s office is taking it very seriously. They have even gone as far as to caution drivers to slow down and be prepared for sudden buffalo-related emergencies on the road.

“Be extra careful out there,” the department urged. “Don’t let

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