BEE-WARE! Truck Carrying 15 Million Bees Overturns on I-95 in Maine In a scene straight out of a horror movie, a tractor-trailer carrying a whopping 15 million bees has crashed and overturned on Interstate 95 in Maine

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BEE-WARE! Truck Carrying 15 Million Bees Overturns on I-95 in Maine

In a scene straight out of a horror movie, a tractor-trailer carrying a whopping 15 million bees has crashed and overturned on Interstate 95 in Maine. Authorities are calling it a “buzz-worthy” accident, as it jammed up traffic for hours and left a sticky situation for cleanup crews.

The bees were being transported to local blueberry fields to assist in pollination, but unfortunately, their journey was abruptly cut short when the truck driver lost control of the vehicle and plowed into a ditch. The driver, who was reportedly covered head to toe in honey, was unharmed but likely suffering from a severe case of embarrassment.

The incident has left many people wondering how something like this could happen. Was the truck driver trying to have a honey-coated joyride? Did the bees get restless and revolt against their human captors? Or was it simply a case of bad luck?

One thing is for sure – the aftermath of the crash was not pretty. The bees swarmed the area, and responders had to don protective gear to avoid getting stung. The honeycomb cargo was strewn all over the highway, causing a sticky mess that took hours to clean up.

Local residents are concerned about the long-term effects of the accident. Will the bees be traumatized by the crash and refuse to do their pollinating duties? Could this impact the blueberry harvest? Could the honeycomb mess attract other unwanted pests, like bears or giant ants?

Officials are urging motorists to be cautious when driving near the accident site, as the bees are still buzzing around the area. They are also warning people not to attempt to take a selfie with the bees, as this is not only dangerous but also incredibly foolish.

One thing is for sure – the incident has created quite a buzz on social media, with many people buzzing about it on Twitter and Instagram. Some have even taken to posting photos of themselves covered in honey, trying to mimic the truck driver’s unfortunate sticky situation.

In the meantime, cleanup crews are working diligently to clear the honeycomb from the highway and monitor the bees’ behavior. Officials are also reminding people to always wear their seatbelts, as you never know when you might run into a truck carrying millions of bees.

So the bottom line is this – if you see a truck carrying millions of bees on the highway, just be happy that you’re in a car and not the driver of that truck. And if you do happen to get stuck in a honeycomb mess, just remember – it could be worse. You could be covered in bees.

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