Local residents in North Carolina were in for a surprise when they found a 5-foot iguana casually strolling around in their neighborhood

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Local residents in North Carolina were in for a surprise when they found a 5-foot iguana casually strolling around in their neighborhood. The reptile, who looked like it was fresh from the runway, was spotted by a group of children playing basketball near a park.

The children, who were initially ecstatic about seeing a “dinosaur”, quickly realized that this was not a prehistoric creature but an actual iguana that had escaped from its owner’s house. “He looked really chill, like he was ready to kick back and sip on a Mai Tai,” stated one of the children who witnessed the iguana’s grande entrance.

Carla Daniels, the proud owner of the iguana, was devastated when she realized that her pet had escaped from its enclosure. “I had just finished feeding him his weekly meal of organic kale and spinach smoothies when he suddenly bolted out of his cage,” exclaimed Daniels.

It took local authorities over three hours to catch the iguana and return it to its rightful owner. The reptile, who seemed unfazed by the entire ordeal, reportedly took a nap in the police car before being transported back home.

Many residents in the area were puzzled by the incident and wondered how the iguana managed to survive the harsh North Carolina winter. “I guess iguanas are just built differently these days. Maybe they have new features like built-in heaters?” stated one resident sarcastically.

Daniels, who was grateful to have her pet back safe and sound, promised to take extra measures to ensure that her iguana would not escape again. “I’m planning on building a fortress-like enclosure made from titanium steel and electrified fence. That ought to do the trick,” giggled Daniels.

The iguana, who has now become somewhat of a local celebrity, was interviewed by several news outlets who were eager to hear its perspective on the ordeal. The iguana had little to say, other than stressing the importance of taking regular naps and not stressing over things that are beyond one’s control.

Overall, the incident has sparked a wave of excitement and curiosity among North Carolina residents. Many are now looking forward to the possibility of spotting more unusual wildlife in their neighborhoods. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll see a unicorn or a Sasquatch next?” stated one resident optimistically.

While it is highly unlikely that residents will encounter a Sasquatch or a unicorn anytime soon, the iguana’s escape has shown that anything is possible in North Carolina, even a 5-foot, fashionable iguana on the loose.

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