Tucson Woman Discovers New Home Decor Possibility: Toilet Snakes Michelle Lespron, a resident of Tucson, Arizona, stumbled upon a unique home decorating idea when she found a colossal snake making itself comfortable in her toilet bowl

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Tucson Woman Discovers New Home Decor Possibility: Toilet Snakes

Michelle Lespron, a resident of Tucson, Arizona, stumbled upon a unique home decorating idea when she found a colossal snake making itself comfortable in her toilet bowl. Forget the usual porcelain figurines or fancy bath mats, toilet snakes are the latest trend in home decor!

According to Lespron, she had no idea that the snake was living inside her toilet until she lifted the lid to do her business. Instead of releasing the usual stream of urine, she was met with a scaly reptilian face staring back at her. How charming!

While many of us would have run back out of the bathroom and never returned, Ms. Lespron had a different reaction. Instead, she recognized the snake as an opportunity to show off her edgy interior design prowess to her friends!

“Most people stick to boring old decor, but not me! I thought, why not take advantage of this unexpected addition to my bathroom and incorporate it into my overall aesthetic?” she mused.

With the help of a professional decorator, Lespron transformed her bathroom from a simple necessity to a daring display of creativity. A new custom wallpaper featuring snakes of all shapes and sizes was added to complement the toilet snake’s appearance. The wallpaper, which Lespron says she found a steal of a deal on, adds a tasteful wildlife element to her bathroom.

Toilet snakes are sure to be a conversation starter, says homestyle expert Sarah McAdams. She advises homeowners to get creative with their new living toilet decorations. “You can add miniature hats to them, or little glasses to give them a nerdy vibe. The possibilities are endless!”

While the idea might seem out of place or strange to some, Lespron insists that having a snake living in your toilet is far from a ‘catastrophic’ situation.

“Honestly, it’s kind of a relief that I don’t have to worry about buying expensive flushing tablets anymore. The snake takes care of everything! I have even started to name him.”

Since the snake’s arrival, Lespron has been able to save money on toilet bowl cleaner, free up space in the bathroom cupboard, and add a unique flair to her living space.

The toilet snake could be the next big step in bathroom decor. Before you march straight out to your local pet shop and demand an invasive snake be placed in your plumbing, do keep in mind that Michelle Lespron is very experienced with handling wildlife. For those of us who are less experienced, it might be wise to stick to more traditional decor.

All joking aside, it is important to remember that snakes are wild animals and should be handled by professionals, not by people looking to enhance their home decor.

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