Athletes across the globe are in awe of one runner who has just completed his 1,000th marathon

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Athletes across the globe are in awe of one runner who has just completed his 1,000th marathon. Mark Johnson, who has been running marathons for the past 30 years, has officially finished the 1,000th race of his career – a remarkable achievement that has left many wondering what else the 57-year-old has accomplished in his lifetime.

Mr. Johnson spent a total of 3,363 hours running these marathons, which averages out to about 31/2 hours per race. This just goes to show that when it comes to extreme physical endurance, the sky’s the limit. We hope that Johnson can get out of bed tomorrow.

The runner himself was modest about his achievement, saying, “I just like to keep busy.” Excuse us, Mr. Johnson? Running a thousand marathons isn’t just “keeping busy” – it’s more like a borderline obsession. We can only imagine what his loved ones must think when he tells them he’s going out for another marathon – it must be like telling them he’s signing up for a 200-hour shift at work.

When asked how he managed to stay motivated for so long, Johnson simply replied, “I really enjoy the feeling of accomplishing something.” Well, we can all agree on that – we all love that sense of accomplishment, whether it’s finishing a marathon or just finishing a difficult load of laundry.

But let’s be real here – running 1,000 marathons is not something most of us can even fathom. It’s more like something out of a sci-fi novel. We’re waiting for Mr. Johnson to tell us he’s actually a cyborg or some other kind of superhuman being who can run marathons in his sleep.

Regardless of his genetic make-up, Johnson says he has no plans to stop running any time soon. “I’ll keep going until I can’t run anymore,” he says.

We can only hope that Mr. Johnson takes care of himself and doesn’t overdo it. It’s great to be active, but we’d hate to see him collapse from exhaustion one day. Maybe he should consider taking up a different hobby, like scrapbooking or knitting. We hear those can be pretty fulfilling, too.

In conclusion, we congratulate Mr. Johnson on his impressive achievement of running 1,000 marathons. We can only hope that he continues to live a happy, healthy life and doesn’t push himself too hard. After all, there are plenty of other hobbies out there that don’t require running for 26.2 miles at a time.

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