Florida Couple Shocked to Find Live Iguana in Guest Bathroom Toilet A Florida couple got the surprise of their lives when they discovered a scaly, four-legged intruder inside the toilet in their guest bathroom

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Florida Couple Shocked to Find Live Iguana in Guest Bathroom Toilet

A Florida couple got the surprise of their lives when they discovered a scaly, four-legged intruder inside the toilet in their guest bathroom. The culprit? None other than a live iguana.

We spoke to the couple, who wished to remain anonymous, about the incident. “I mean, I knew Florida had its fair share of wildlife, but I never thought I’d find an iguana staring up at me from the toilet bowl,” said the woman. “It was quite the shock, to say the least.”

The couple immediately called animal control, who arrived on the scene to find the iguana still chilling in the toilet bowl, seemingly unbothered by the commotion it had caused. After a brief struggle, the animal control officers were eventually able to remove the iguana from the toilet and relocate it to a nearby nature reserve.

So how did this wayward reptile end up in the couple’s toilet in the first place? According to local wildlife experts, it’s not uncommon for iguanas to seek refuge in human spaces. “They’re just looking for a warm and cozy place to hang out,” explained one expert. “And if you’ve ever been to Florida, you know that iguanas are everywhere. They’re like the squirrels of the South.”

The couple, understandably shaken by the incident, say they’ve taken extra measures to ensure their home is critter-free from now on. “We’ve sealed up all the windows and doors, and we’re even considering getting a pet snake to keep any future iguanas at bay,” said the man.

This bizarre incident echoes a similar event that took place just last year, when a woman in Georgia discovered a live snake in her toilet. It seems that no matter where you go in the South, the local wildlife is always keeping you on your toes.

Of course, some might argue that it’s all part of the charm of living in a place like Florida. After all, where else can you find exotic animals lurking in your plumbing? It’s just one of the many quirks that make the Sunshine State such a unique and exciting place to call home.

In any case, our advice to anyone traveling to Florida is to always be on the lookout for unexpected guests in your bathroom. Who knows what kind of surprise might be waiting for you on the other side of that toilet seat?

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