Texas Wildlife officials have finally caught a loose lemur that has been on the run for several weeks

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Texas Wildlife officials have finally caught a loose lemur that has been on the run for several weeks. The crafty critter, who had managed to evade captivity for so long, was finally captured in a suburban backyard in Houston.

The Texas Wildlife and Parks Department had been searching for the lemur for weeks, with many residents in the area reporting sightings of the elusive primate. The lemur had been spotted in various locations, including a local dog park, a school playground, and even a grocery store parking lot.

Many residents had grown concerned about the safety of their children and pets, with fears that the lemur would lash out in a fit of rage. However, others saw the lemur as a kind of mascot for the neighborhood, and had taken to social media to express their support for the animal’s freedom.

The capture of the lemur was a major victory for the Texas Wildlife officials, who had been working tirelessly to bring the primate to justice. Authorities had set traps for the animal, and had even considered using a tranquilizer to capture it.

In the end, it was a group of local residents who managed to catch the lemur. The group had been sitting in their backyard, sipping on some refreshing drinks, when they spotted the animal hiding in a nearby bush.

“We couldn’t believe it at first,” said one of the residents who helped capture the lemur. “We thought it was just a raccoon or something. But when we got closer, we realized it was the lemur everyone has been talking about.”

The group of residents managed to corner the lemur, and were able to secure it in a makeshift cage until the authorities arrived.

When asked about the capture of the lemur, a spokesperson for the Texas Wildlife and Parks Department had this to say: “We are thrilled to have finally caught this elusive animal. This just goes to show that when the community works together, we can achieve great things.”

The lemur, who has yet to be named, is currently being held in captivity, where it will be monitored for any signs of aggression. Officials say that once the lemur is deemed safe, it will be released back into the wild.

In the end, the capture of the loose lemur was a triumph for everyone involved. The residents had shown that they were willing to work together to bring the animal to justice, while the authorities had proven their effectiveness in capturing an elusive and potentially dangerous animal.

So, here’s to the safe return of the lemur – may it live a long and fruitful life, surrounded by the safety of its fellow primates.

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