In a shocking (not really) turn of events, a Florida couple had an unexpected house guest in their porcelain throne

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In a shocking (not really) turn of events, a Florida couple had an unexpected house guest in their porcelain throne. Yes, you heard it right – an iguana had somehow managed to slither its way into the couple’s toilet, causing quite a stir (and who knows what else).

It all started when the couple noticed some strange sounds coming from their bathroom. At first, they thought it was just the pipes doing their thing, but soon they realised that it was something much more sinister – an iguana was stuck in their toilet!

Naturally, the couple panicked and called the authorities, who arrived promptly to take care of the situation. After some coaxing and prodding, the brave wildlife officers were finally able to remove the iguana from the toilet, much to the relief of the couple.

But let’s be honest – who knew that iguanas actually knew how to use toilets? It’s not like they have opposable thumbs or anything. Perhaps this particular iguana was just trying to take his reptilian game to the next level and impress his friends with his bathroom skills. Or maybe he was just lost and confused, wondering if he had accidentally stumbled into an exotic rainforest instead of a boring old suburban bathroom.

Either way, it’s clear that this iguana was a bit of a troublemaker. After all, who trespasses on private property like that, especially when there are perfectly good trees to climb outside? Maybe he just wanted a change of scenery, or perhaps he had heard that Florida bathrooms were the hottest new hangout spot for iguanas. Whatever his motives, it’s safe to say that he won’t be doing any repeat performances anytime soon.

In all seriousness, though, this is just another example of the wild and wacky things that can happen in Florida. It seems like every other day there’s a new story about alligators in swimming pools, pythons in the bushes, and now iguanas in toilets. It’s like the state is one big bizarre zoo without any cages.

But hey, if there’s one thing that Floridians are good at, it’s taking things in stride. The couple in this story may have been a bit freaked out by their reptilian intruder, but they handled the situation with grace and humor. After all, it’s not every day that you get to say you had an iguana in your toilet.

So let this be a cautionary tale to all you prospective iguanas out there – think twice before you try to sneak into someone’s bathroom. You never know who might be waiting on the other side, ready to flush you out of there (literally). And to the couple in this story – congratulations on your newfound fame as the stars of one of the weirdest news stories of the year. May your bathroom adventures be far less exciting in the future.

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