A renowned scholar from Cambridge University has recently caused quite the stir when she came up with a unique solution to escape from a locked bathroom

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A renowned scholar from Cambridge University has recently caused quite the stir when she came up with a unique solution to escape from a locked bathroom. Professor Dorothy Smith, who specializes in 18th century British literature, found herself trapped in the facilities of a local coffee shop after the door mechanism malfunctioned.

With no one in sight to rescue her, Professor Smith was forced to use her wits to find a way out. Luckily, her scholarly training kicked in, and she was able to utilize items from her purse to devise a crafty escape plan.

First, she rummaged through her bag and found a cotton swab. “I always carry a few with me in case of emergencies,” she said. Using the swab, she was able to manipulate the lock mechanism from inside the bathroom stall. Of course, this is what anyone would do in such a situation.

However, her troubles didn’t end there. When she opened the stall door to leave, she found that the main bathroom door was also locked tight. Again, the professor put her quick thinking to the test, scouring her purse for a suitable tool.

“I always carry an eyeliner pen with me,” she said. “It’s the perfect tool for drawing lines and marking passages in my research. But today, it served a different purpose.”

Using the pen, she was able to meticulously scratch away at a small gap between the door and frame. After several minutes of determined work, she finally made enough space for her fingers to slip through and pry the door open. The professor’s experience as a scholar really came in handy here.

When asked how she managed to stay so calm during the ordeal, Professor Smith replied, “As an academic, I’m used to thinking on my feet. This is just another obstacle to overcome, like analyzing a complicated piece of literature or defending your research against criticism from colleagues.”

The incident has garnered attention from people all over the world, with many admiring her ingenuity and resourcefulness. But some critics are lashing out against her, saying that she should have just called for help instead of resulting in such an elaborate escape plan.

Nevertheless, Professor Smith stands by her decision, stating that she felt confident in her abilities to solve the problem on her own. “Sometimes, you just have to rely on your own skill and expertise,” she said. “And that’s exactly what I did in this situation.”

Overall, it seems that Professor Smith has not only impressed her academic peers with her resourcefulness, but has also proven that sometimes the best solutions come from the most unexpected places. So remember, always be prepared with cotton swabs and eyeliner—just in case you find yourself locked in a bathroom.

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