A Welsh man from the sleepy town of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch has broken the world record for the most rabbit tattoos on his body

A Welsh man from the sleepy town of Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch has broken the world record for the most rabbit tattoos on his body. John Williams, 34, spent 176 hours – roughly the equivalent of a full work week – having 69 individual rabbits inked onto his skin.

Despite concerns from animal rights groups about the use of rabbits for tattoos, Williams remained steadfast in his decision. “I’ve always loved bunnies,” he explained with a grin. “And I wanted to pay tribute to them in the most permanent way possible.”

Williams’s dedication to his furry friends is admirable, but it begs the question – where did he find the time? The average tattoo takes roughly two to three hours to complete, meaning Williams spent the equivalent of several full-time jobs just getting inked. Did he give up sleeping, eating, and all other activities in his life just to achieve this record?

It appears so. Williams admitted to subsisting entirely on a diet of carrots and lettuce during the weeks-long tattooing process. He also sacrificed his social life, refusing to go out with friends or even answer their calls or texts. “I had to prioritize,” he said with a shrug.

But despite the grueling nature of his accomplishment, Williams remains humble. “I couldn’t have done it without my tattoo artist, Pete,” he said, gesturing to the man who had etched 69 separate bunnies onto his skin. “He’s a real wizard with a tattoo needle.”

Williams’s rabbit tattoos have earned him a place in the Guinness World Records book, alongside other impressive feats like “Longest time spent balancing a lawnmower on one’s chin” and “Most grapes eaten in three minutes while blindfolded.” Despite some faces in the crowd expressing their disgust for the tattoos, Williams remains unflappable. He insists that he’ll continue adding to his collection, searching for new ways to honor his beloved bunnies.

As for the rabbits themselves, they remain unimpressed. “We already knew we were awesome,” said a spokesperson for the rabbit community. “We don’t need some man with tattoos to tell us that.”

And so, in animal cruelty-free news, John Williams has accomplished something really weird and time-consuming that will likely have no impact on his life whatsoever. Congratulations!

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