Unaware Lottery Winner Finally Becomes a Millionaire – Congrats! She had no idea

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Unaware Lottery Winner Finally Becomes a Millionaire – Congrats!

She had no idea. For months, a Washington woman sat on a fortune without even knowing.

It all started when she purchased a lottery ticket from a vending machine. Now, we’ve all done this before – bought a scratch-off here, a Powerball ticket there – not really expecting to win anything besides maybe a free ticket or two. But for this lucky lady, she had hit the jackpot. And she had absolutely no clue about it.

In fact, it wasn’t until months later, while browsing through her purse, that she even remembered she had bought the ticket in the first place. And when she decided to scan it, lo and behold, it was a whopping $135,000 winner!

Who needs to win the lottery when you can just forget about it completely?

We managed to get a hold of the anonymous winner for an interview. “I couldn’t believe it,” she said. “I had completely forgotten about buying the ticket. I had just been carrying it around in my purse like a useless scrap of paper.”

The woman, who wishes to remain unnamed, plans on using the money to pay off some debts, go on a few vacations, and maybe even buy a new wardrobe. “I also thought about donating some of it to charity,” she said, “but then I remembered – why bother? I could just lose the check in my purse again and forget about it for several more months.”

What an inspiring, selfless sentiment.

This story is truly a testament to the power of forgetting something exists until it magically becomes valuable. It’s like that shirt you bought five years ago and never wore that suddenly comes back in style. Or that toy you had as a kid that’s worth a fortune on eBay now.

What a time to be alive.

The lottery spokesperson had some things to say about the situation as well. “We always encourage our players to double-check their tickets,” she said. “But in this case, it worked out for the best. We’re happy to see this woman become a millionaire, even if it was by complete accident.”

Yes, congratulations indeed. And to all the other lottery players out there, just remember – your moment of riches could be lurking in the depths of your purse or wallet as we speak. So keep forgetting about those tickets, folks. You never know what treasures they may hold.

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