A horse’s daring escape from its enclosure left locals in North Carolina both bewildered and entertained as the animal was found ambling down a busy road

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A horse’s daring escape from its enclosure left locals in North Carolina both bewildered and entertained as the animal was found ambling down a busy road.

The equine escapee, affectionately dubbed “Houdini Horse” by onlookers, was spotted by concerned drivers who reported the incident to local authorities. After a frantic search, the runaway horse was apprehended and returned to its owner.

“It’s not every day you see a horse in the middle of the road,” said one witness. “It was quite the spectacle.”

Many people on social media praised the horse for its bravery, with some even suggesting it should be given its own TV show.

“Give that horse a medal!” wrote one commenter. “I’d watch a reality show about a horse who loves adventure.”

But others were quick to criticize the horse’s reckless behavior, blaming its escape on poor training and inadequate living conditions.

“This just goes to show how neglected horses are in this country,” said one animal rights activist. “It’s time we start treating them with the respect they deserve.”

The owner of the 10-year-old horse, who requested to remain anonymous, denied any wrongdoing and claimed that the horse had a history of escaping.

“He’s just a little rascal,” said the owner. “He’s always finding ways to get out of his pen, but we love him anyway.”

Despite the owner’s insistence that the horse was well-cared for, animal control officials are investigating the incident to ensure that no laws were violated.

“We take these kinds of incidents very seriously,” said a spokesperson for the department. “We want to make sure that all animals in our community are treated with care and respect.”

While the horse’s escape may have caused some brief chaos on the road, many people were entertained by the incident and grateful it had a happy ending.

“It’s not every day you get to see a horse on the loose,” said one driver. “I’m just glad he made it back home safe and sound.”

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