In an unprecedented display of breakfast-time talent, the sleepy town of Liberal, Kansas has managed to break not one but two world records for International Pancake Day

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In an unprecedented display of breakfast-time talent, the sleepy town of Liberal, Kansas has managed to break not one but two world records for International Pancake Day. The event, which took place yesterday, saw locals and visitors alike gather in the town square to flip and eat pancakes at a speed that’s sure to make your stomach churn.

The first record to be broken was the overall pancake flipping record, previously held by the town of Tampere, Finland. The Tampereans had managed to flip 34 pancakes in one minute, but the good folks of Liberal managed to top that by one, with a staggering 35 pancakes flipped in just 60 seconds.

“Let me tell you, it was intense,” said local resident and event organizer, Sarah Johnson. “There were spatulas flying everywhere, but we managed to keep it under control and come out on top.”

The second record that fell was the pancake eating record, which had previously been held by professional eater Joey Chestnut. Chestnut, who is known for his incredible feats in the field of competitive eating, had managed to consume 113 pancakes in eight minutes. However, he was no match for the pancake-loving members of the Liberal community, who gobbled down an astonishing 141 pancakes in the same amount of time.

“It was a real team effort,” said Johnson. “We had people from all walks of life coming out to support us, from little kids to seniors citizens. I’m just so proud of what we accomplished.”

Despite the impressive feats achieved by the town, some have criticized the event for its glorification of gluttony. Health experts have warned that consuming such a large amount of pancakes in one sitting can lead to a host of health problems, including heart disease and diabetes.

“It’s really not something we should be promoting,” said Dr. Rachel Taylor of the National Institute for Health. “We need to be encouraging people to make healthier food choices, not stuffing their faces with pancakes until they’re ready to burst.”

However, Johnson and her team remain adamant that the event is a celebration of community spirit and friendly competition.

“It’s not about the pancakes,” she said. “It’s about coming together as a community and having a good time. If we can throw a couple of world records in there, all the better.”

As the residents of Liberal bask in their pancake-related glory, one thing is clear: this tiny town will forever hold a special place in the world of pancake-related records. So if you’re ever in the mood for a pancake-related challenge, you know where to head. Just be sure to bring your appetite – and maybe a defibrillator.

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