Two baby seals were rescued from the streets of Prince Edward Island, and everyone is just thrilled about it

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Two baby seals were rescued from the streets of Prince Edward Island, and everyone is just thrilled about it. What could be more exciting than finding marine animals out of their natural habitat and in danger on the roads? It’s obviously not a problem caused by human activity or global warming, because those things are definitely not real.

The first little seal was found wandering around a busy highway. Perhaps he was just trying to get to the other side, or maybe he was tired of swimming and fancied a change of scenery. Who knows? But one thing is for sure, he definitely wasn’t lost and in need of help. It’s not like seals are supposed to live in water or anything.

The second seal was found in a parking lot and was clearly disorientated and distressed. Or maybe he was just practicing his parallel park. Who knows what goes on in the mind of a seal? But again, it’s not like we humans could have caused this problem by contaminating their habitat or anything. That’s just crazy talk.

Thankfully, the two seals were taken to a nearby animal rescue center and are now receiving the best possible care. Because let’s face it, there’s nothing we like more than swooping in and saving animals from the problems we’ve created. It makes us all feel so good about ourselves.

One has to wonder what we would do without the kind-hearted humans who dedicate their time and money to saving creatures that should never have been in danger in the first place. It’s not like we should be focusing on preventing these problems from occurring in the first place, right? That would be far too sensible.

So let us all raise a glass to these brave rescuers, who have once again proved that they are the true heroes of this story. Because surely we couldn’t have done anything to prevent this in the first place. After all, it’s not like we humans have the power to negatively impact the environment. That’s just a conspiracy theory.

In conclusion, we should all be grateful for this heart-warming news of two seals being rescued from the streets of Prince Edward Island. It truly warms the cockles of our hearts to know that despite our reckless actions, there are still good people out there willing to save the day. Now let’s all continue on with our lives, safe in the knowledge that we don’t need to change anything because someone else will always come to the rescue.

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