In yet another twist in the never-ending saga of 2020, a Texas woman made a surprising discovery while decorating her Christmas tree. Instead of the usual ornaments and tinsel, she stumbled upon a furry little friend lounging in the branches. No, it wasn’t Santa’s furry little helper – it was an opossum.
The woman, who wished to remain anonymous, told reporters that at first, she thought it was just the cat getting into the tree again. But upon closer inspection, she realized that it was a real, live opossum. And not just any opossum – this one was clearly enjoying the high life, sprawled out on a branch like it owned the place.
Of course, like any reasonable person, the woman proceeded to scream and run out of the room. But after regaining her composure (and making sure the opossum wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon), she did what any of us would do in this situation: she took a picture and posted it on social media.
The post quickly went viral, with people from all over the world chiming in with their own opossum-related stories. Some shared heartwarming tales of rescuing baby opossums, while others commiserated with the woman’s shock and horror at finding a wild animal in her tree.
But the real question on everyone’s minds was: how did the opossum get there in the first place? Was it a Christmas miracle? Was it a sign from the universe that we should all slow down and appreciate the simple things in life?
Well, probably not. According to wildlife experts, opossums are known to seek out warm, cozy spots to call home during the winter months. And what’s cozier than a Christmas tree, with its twinkling lights and soft needles?
Still, the woman couldn’t help but feel a little bit special – after all, how many people can say they’ve had a wild animal make itself at home in their living room? She even considered putting a mini Santa hat on the creature and making it a part of her Christmas decorations.
But alas, it was not meant to be. After several hours of realizing that the opossum wasn’t going to leave on its own (and that her cat was completely useless in this situation), the woman decided to call a wildlife rescue organization to come and remove the intruder.
The opossum was eventually safely removed and released back into the wild, much to the woman’s relief. And while she may never look at her Christmas tree the same way again, she’ll always have a holiday story that’s sure to make her the most popular person at any party.
So, here’s to the Texas woman who inadvertently hosted an opossum in her Christmas tree. May her story serve as a reminder that sometimes, the wildest things can happen when we least expect them. And also, maybe it’s time to invest in a more secure Christmas tree stand.