Rhino fans, rejoice! The Oregon Zoo has finally allowed its beloved baby rhino to experience the great outdoors for the first time

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Rhino fans, rejoice! The Oregon Zoo has finally allowed its beloved baby rhino to experience the great outdoors for the first time. Talk about a momentous occasion!

The adorable male rhino calf, named Edward, had been cooped up in the zoo’s indoor enclosure since he was born on September 22nd of last year. But on a sunny day this week, zookeepers armed with sunscreen and parasols, decided it was time for little Edward to take in the beauty of the outside world.

A video of the event shows the fuzzy brown calf tentatively making his way through the open doors of his enclosure, stepping out into the bright sunlight and discovering the joys of fresh grass and open space.

The Internet quickly heated up with a wave of sentimentality, as rhino fans across the globe shared the footage of Edward’s inaugural outdoor experience. People left comments like “Oh my heart!”, “So precious!” and “This is what happiness looks like!”

But not everyone was impressed. Animal rights activists were quick to point out that the Oregon Zoo has a history of mistreating its animals. They accuse the zoo of housing captive animals in unnatural and inadequate conditions, while depriving them of the freedom that they are entitled to.

Some internet trolls also took to social media to voice their displeasure, calling the event “boring” and “nothing special.” One critic went so far as to say, “Wow, a caged animal finally gets to see the outside world. Bravo, Oregon Zoo. What’s next, granting fish the right to breathe air?”

Despite the backlash, the zoo remains excited about Edward’s moment in the sun. The zookeepers are optimistic that the little rhino will continue to thrive in his new environment, adding, “it’s his first step in a lifelong journey of learning and growth.”

While animal rights activists may remain critical of the Zoo’s approach to managing its animal population, Edward’s debut into the outside world captured the hearts of many animal lovers and served as a pleasant distraction from the chaos of the outside world.

For those looking for an even deeper connection with the little rhino, the zoo has set up a live stream of Edward’s outdoor enclosure. That way, the baby rhino can enjoy the company of his fans from the comfort of his new turf.

With a future full of sunshine and fresh greenery ahead, Edward is poised to become the most beloved baby rhinoceros in the Pacific Northwest. But let’s be honest, it wouldn’t be too difficult – there aren’t really any other baby rhinoceroses in the area to compete with. Regardless, we’re all rooting for him.

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