Authorities in British Columbia were in for a surprise yesterday when a rogue llama was spotted wandering dangerously close to the busy highways

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Authorities in British Columbia were in for a surprise yesterday when a rogue llama was spotted wandering dangerously close to the busy highways. Police were called to the scene to wrangle the animal, which had apparently escaped from a nearby farm.

The llama, who has since been nicknamed “Larry” by the officers, put up quite a fight during his capture. Eyewitnesses reported seeing him spit and kick out at the police, leaving them with no choice but to use their expertise in llama-wrangling to bring him to justice.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said one officer. “We were dealing with a real pro here. Larry was clearly not going down without a fight.”

Despite the chaos, no one was injured during the altercation. However, the incident did cause some delays on the highways, as drivers slowed down to take a glimpse of the spectacle. Pictures and videos of the rogue llama quickly went viral on social media, with users coming up with puns such as “llama drama” and “llama on the loose.”

The farm from which Larry escaped has since committed to beefing up security to prevent further escapes. But this isn’t the first time that a rogue animal has caused mayhem in the region. In 2017, a group of goats were spotted roaming around the town of Squamish, causing traffic to come to a standstill.

There are also concerns that this escape could lead to copycat situations, with llamas all over the region attempting to make a break for freedom. However, some animal experts have argued that this is unlikely, given that llamas prefer to live in herds and are unlikely to wander too far from the safety of their companions.

As for Larry, he will be returned to his rightful owners and will no doubt be facing some consequences for his wild behavior. It’s unclear whether he will be held accountable for any damage caused during his escape, but one thing is for sure – he won’t be forgetting his run-in with the law anytime soon.

In the meantime, police are reminding residents to take proper precautions when it comes to their farm animals. “We don’t want another llama on the loose situation,” said one officer. “We’ve got enough going on right now.”

Overall, this was truly a bizarre incident that will be remembered for years to come. The question on everyone’s mind now is – what animal will go rogue next?

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