A Kentucky couple was unexpectedly blessed with $225,000 last week, after they impulsively stopped at a convenience store for coffee

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A Kentucky couple was unexpectedly blessed with $225,000 last week, after they impulsively stopped at a convenience store for coffee. Is this perhaps the most impressive coffee run in history?

According to the couple, who wish to remain anonymous (although it’s hard to imagine why, given their newfound wealth), they were traveling to a dental appointment when they decided to take a break at a shop along the way. While they were filling up on caffeine and probably a few sugary snacks, the woman decided to try her luck with a lottery ticket. And wouldn’t you know it, she won.

Now, for all of you naysayers out there who claim that the lottery is a waste of money, this story is definitive proof that you’re all just sour grapes. Who doesn’t want to randomly win tens of thousands of dollars while going about their daily activities? Just imagine what you could do with all that cash. Buy a boat, take a trip around the world, or maybe even buy several cups of coffee at once without worrying about the cost!

Seriously though, sometimes it seems like the universe just decides to throw a bone to one lucky person and it’s not like the rest of us weren’t also in that convenience store and could have bought that winning ticket. But sure, it’s just chance and pure luck, nothing to be bitter about.

Of course, the state of Kentucky also benefited from the couple’s good fortune. As is tradition, a portion of the money will go toward funding the state’s education system, which is surely in dire need of some extra cash. So it’s not just the couple who should be feeling good about this win, but the entire state as well.

One can only wonder what the couple will do with their newfound wealth, and more importantly, what kind of coffee they will be buying from now on. No more gas station coffee for them, we assume.

All jokes aside (although, let’s admit, the puns pretty much write themselves), it’s always nice to see everyday folks win big and be blessed with some financial comfort. Maybe it gives the rest of us a little bit of hope that one day we too will be able to stop at a random convenience store and come out the other side with life-changing wealth.

So congratulations to the lucky couple from Kentucky, and we wish them all the best in their future endeavors (and caffeine trips). Cheers to life changing opportunities!

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