In a move that has shocked ornithologists and bird enthusiasts alike, the humble Pūteketeke has been awarded the coveted title of ‘Bird of the Century’ – and to top it off, it has the backing of the one and only John Oliver

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In a move that has shocked ornithologists and bird enthusiasts alike, the humble Pūteketeke has been awarded the coveted title of ‘Bird of the Century’ – and to top it off, it has the backing of the one and only John Oliver.

The decision to bestow this prestigious award upon a bird that most people have never even heard of has left many scratching their heads, but the judges were quick to explain their reasoning. Apparently, the Pūteketeke’s elegant feathers, melodious song, and charming personality were deemed to be simply unparalleled in the bird world. Of course, it may have helped that the judges were all New Zealanders, and the Pūteketeke is a native bird of their country – but let’s not get into that.

Meanwhile, John Oliver lent his support to the Pūteketeke on his show Last Week Tonight, where he waxed poetic about its many virtues. “This bird is a triumph of evolution,” he declared, “and let’s be honest, it’s also really freaking cute.” He then proceeded to show a slideshow of Pūteketeke pictures, each one accompanied by a witty pun or snarky comment – because that’s just how John rolls.

Despite the apparent adoration of the judges and John Oliver, some critics are still scratching their heads over this decision. “I mean, I’m all for celebrating underrated birds,” said renowned birder David Sibley, “but this seems a bit extreme. Personally, I prefer the Barred Owl or the Northern Cardinal, but hey, what do I know?”

Meanwhile, reactions on social media have been mixed. Some have hailed the Pūteketeke as a well-deserved winner, while others have called the whole thing a joke. “I thought this was a prank at first,” tweeted one user, “but apparently it’s for real. Congrats to the Pūteketeke, I guess?”

Despite the controversy, the Pūteketeke seems to be taking it all in stride. When reached for comment, a spokesperson for the bird said, “We’re just thrilled to be recognized like this. We’ve always known we were special, but it’s nice to see the rest of the world catching up.” The spokesperson then proceeded to hop away, presumably to go find some insects to eat or to serenade other birds with its melodious song.

So there you have it, folks – the Pūteketeke is officially the Bird of the Century, thanks in no small part to John Oliver’s endorsement. Will this new title cause a surge in Pūteketeke sightings or inspire a wave of Pūteketeke-themed merchandise? Only time will tell. But for now, we can all marvel at the fact that a small, unassuming bird from New Zealand has captured the hearts of so many – and just maybe, this recognition will help to boost awareness and conservation efforts for all our feathered friends.

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