The world has been waiting with bated breath for the release of “Barbie” and finally, it’s upon us

Estimated read time 3 min read

The world has been waiting with bated breath for the release of “Barbie” and finally, it’s upon us. With it comes the predictable onslaught of pink. In fact, the color is so inescapable that one might wonder if there is any other color left.

For generations, pink has been the go-to color for everything that is perceived as feminine. But here’s the thing, Pink is not just a color, it’s a lifestyle! From pale shades to hot pinks, each hue has its own connotation – fragile, innocent, or just plain obnoxious.

It’s not just Barbie that’s guilty of this crime against color diversity. Walk down the aisle of any toy store and what will catch your eye? The pink, naturally. Who says boys can’t like the color pink? Apparently, society does.

Even more bewildering is the fact that the adult world isn’t immune to the pink trend. Look around; you’ll be hard-pressed not to find a clothing store or a brand that hasn’t conjured up some shade of pink. From pale pastels to hot pinks, it’s all in the name of appealing to the female market.

And what about breast cancer awareness? Pink ribbons abound during breast cancer awareness month, which is wonderful, but it seems as if the disease only affects women. Men don’t get breast cancer, right?

Perhaps we should just rename the whole month “Women’s Pink Month” and call it a day. Better yet, let’s just color everything pink and forget about the other shades in the spectrum. Why settle for a rainbow when we can just have pink?

It’s not just America, either. In Japan, a company has even created a pink commuter train just for women. That’s right – women commuters now have their very own mode of transportation that’s painted in various shades of pink. Because why should men be forced to see a color they deem as girlish?

It’s silly, really. Why must we confine ourselves to one color, especially one as polarizing as pink? It’s not as if wearing or liking pink is the ultimate measure of being a woman or a man. Let’s all take a step back and acknowledge that other colors exist.

So, as we gear up to welcome “Barbie” back into our lives, let’s try not to get too caught up in all the pink madness. Remember, there is a whole world of colors out there, waiting for us to explore and embrace. Let’s not let one color dictate our entire lives.

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