Belmont, North Carolina – A man in Belmont, North Carolina who thought he would never have any birthday luck, finally received a belated gift- or shall we say, jackpot – when he won $321,223 in the NC Lottery

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Belmont, North Carolina – A man in Belmont, North Carolina who thought he would never have any birthday luck, finally received a belated gift- or shall we say, jackpot – when he won $321,223 in the NC Lottery. The unnamed champion from Belmont, who must be thrilled, could not be reached for comment. We’re pretty sure he is on a yacht somewhere.

According to the lottery officials, the man was one of the $321,223 winners in the Cash 5 jackpot for the October 2 drawing. The man said he had always been unlucky in the lottery, probably just like us, but decided to try again the day after his birthday. And guess what? Karma seemed to come back. With a little patience and of course some gambling and a whole lot of luck, the stars finally aligned for the Belmont native.

The amount the man won is pretty impressive. However, It’s essential to keep in mind that he also spent a great deal of cash on lottery tickets before finally cashing in on the big winnings. The actual amount of money he spent on tickets remains unknown, but we are pretty positive that it was a lot. A friendly reminder to all our readers, the lottery is still gambling and should not be considered as a regular mode of income.

Some experts are saying this man should dedicate his life to writing books on luck or be invited to talk shows, in hopes of unravelling the secrets of the lottery. A movie deal should also be considered due to the high level of suspense involving the lottery. Will he win? Will he lose? The audience would never know until the storyline plays out. If this works, then maybe our struggling journalists should try their hand at the lottery too.

There are rumours going around about the man’s decision on how to use the jackpot, but none of them are confirmed. Some are saying he is going to retire peacefully, others are saying he will donate some of the jackpot to charity. One person speculated he will invest the funds into a local business after compiling a feasibility report and conducting market research. Whatever he plans to do with the money, we just hope he’s smart about it and doesn’t blow it all on a fortune cookie prediction.

Of course, it would not be a true NC news story without the mention of Carolina BBQ and Cheerwine. The new champion can now afford to host an unlimited barbeque party with enough Cheerwine to stop the Atlantic from ever being thirsty again.

Before hitting the jackpot, the celebration of the man’s birthday must have been a low key affair, but now that the money is here, there will be plenty of extravagant birthday celebrations. As his Facebook status would read, “Thank you for all the birthday wishes, lottery jackpot included”. Kudos to the man for timing and playing his cards correctly, both lotto and birthday, he played a double-hit.

With the lottery win still fresh in people’s minds, the lottery website had a spike in traffic. It’s undeniable that a part of North Carolina is feeling optimistic at this time. There is, of course, still hope – slim though it may be – for the rest of us that lightning might someday strike twice. And on that day the sarcasm gods will be with us all.

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