Oh dear, oh deer

Estimated read time 2 min read

Oh dear, oh deer. In a recent incident that will leave many scratching their heads, authorities in Texas had their hands full when a deer decided to make itself home in an unlikely place: someone’s house.

The deer, clearly a fan of home decor, crashed through a window and found its way into a cozy living room where it spent the night like a true VIP (Very Indoor Pet). According to reports, the deer was spotted munching away on some potted plants and making a bit of a mess with its hooves. But let’s be honest, who among us hasn’t made a mess in a stranger’s home from time to time?

Local residents were shocked to hear about the incident, with many wondering why the deer didn’t just use the front door like a civilized mammal. Others expressed concern for the deer’s well-being, questioning whether it was able to properly acclimate to its new surroundings.

Thankfully, local authorities were quick to respond and showed the deer the door. Literally. After a brief tussle (some might even call it a “deer in headlights” moment), the deer was safely captured and released back into the wild where it belongs.

But the question remains: How did this even happen in the first place? Were the plants just too tempting to resist? Did the deer have an argument with its woodland friends and decide to run away from home? Or was it simply a case of deer-leapfrog gone awry?

Inquiring minds want to know, but the deer remains mum on the subject. Perhaps it’s best to let the deer have its privacy in this matter and respect its right to a good night’s sleep.

In the meantime, local authorities are reminding residents to keep their windows closed and locked to prevent future wildlife invasions. And if a deer does happen to find its way inside, they urge citizens to remain calm and call for assistance rather than attempting to shoo it out themselves.

As for the deer, we can only hope it learned its lesson and sticks to the great outdoors from here on out. Or at the very least, invests in a good set of house keys for the next time it wants to crash on someone’s couch.

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