Interstate shipment of animals has become more tightly regulated in recent years, but apparently no one bothered to inform this particular dog

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Interstate shipment of animals has become more tightly regulated in recent years, but apparently no one bothered to inform this particular dog. The poor pup, whose name has not been released, had apparently been snoozing in a shipping container that was picked up in Mexico and transported to the Port of Houston.

It wasn’t until a team of eagle-eyed inspectors from the United States Coast Guard noticed something furry moving around inside the container that anyone was alerted to the dog’s predicament. Thankfully, the inspectors didn’t just shrug their shoulders and move on – instead, they climbed inside the container and freed the dog from its week-long prison.

Of course, everyone loves a good rescue story – especially when an adorable animal is involved. But isn’t it a bit ironic that the Coast Guard had to come to the rescue of a dog that had been shipped across state lines? How did no one realize there was a living creature inside the container? Do we need to start putting “contains live animals” stickers on shipping containers, just so everyone remembers to check?

The Port of Houston Authority has promised to launch an investigation into the incident, but we all know how those things go. At best, they’ll issue a statement saying they intend to do better in the future, and then promptly forget about the whole thing. Meanwhile, the poor dog will probably end up on the evening news as a heartwarming human interest story, and the shipping company will carry on with business as usual.

It’s not the first time an animal has been overlooked in the hustle and bustle of the shipping industry. In fact, according to the Humane Society, thousands of animals are accidentally shipped each year, often enduring long journeys in harsh conditions without adequate food, water, or shelter. The sad truth is that for every happy ending like this one, there are countless more animals who suffer in silence.

Some may argue that pets shouldn’t be shipped at all, but that’s a debate for another day. What’s important right now is that we remember that animals are living beings, not just cargo to be transported from point A to point B. Let’s hope that this incident serves as a wake-up call to the shipping industry, and that steps are taken to prevent similar situations from happening in the future.

As for the rescued dog, we can only imagine how happy he must be to finally feel sunshine on his fur, and have a warm bed to snuggle in. Let’s wish him a speedy recovery and a loving forever home, because that’s what every animal deserves.

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