When it comes to world records, there’s really nothing that Australians won’t do to make sure they’re at the top of the leaderboard

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When it comes to world records, there’s really nothing that Australians won’t do to make sure they’re at the top of the leaderboard. But the latest addition to the record books has left many scratching their heads – a man who spent six whole months training to put on 10 pairs of underpants in record time.

Yes, you read that right. This man, whose identity has yet to be revealed (perhaps out of shame?), spent half a year perfecting his technique for pulling on multiple pairs of tighty whities. And it wasn’t just about speed – he had to make sure each and every pair was pulled up all the way, with no wedgies or bunching.

Now, I don’t know about you, but when I wake up in the morning, the last thing I’m thinking about is how quickly I can pile on layer upon layer of underwear. But apparently, for some, this is a valid use of time and energy.

According to the record keepers at Guinness World Records, the previous record for this feat was held by a Brit who managed to slip on 9 pairs of undies in just 30 seconds. But this Australian man wasn’t satisfied with just beating the record – he had to completely annihilate it.

After months of practice, he finally donned his 10th pair of boxer briefs in an impressive 16.55 seconds. That’s right, folks – less than 17 seconds to pull on 10 pairs of underwear. Just think of how many productive things he could have done in that time instead.

But perhaps I’m being too harsh. After all, this man is now officially a world record holder. I’m sure he’ll go down in history as a true legend of our time – up there with the greats like Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, and…well, whoever holds the record for most marshmallows stuffed in their mouth at once.

In all seriousness, though, I can’t help but wonder what motivates someone to spend six whole months of their life perfecting such an odd skill. Is it the thrill of competition? The desire for fame and fortune? Or perhaps just a deep-seated love of underpants?

Regardless of the reason, I think we can all agree that this is one world record that won’t be broken anytime soon (or hopefully ever). So let’s all take a moment to appreciate the dedication, focus, and sheer absurdity that went into this accomplishment. And maybe, just maybe, let’s also take a step back and reflect on how we’re spending our own time and energy. Because if this is what it takes to be a world record holder, maybe we’re all better off just sticking to our day jobs.

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