In a bizarre turn of events, a man was caught by the police using his fridge to train for an upcoming marathon. The 35-year-old fitness enthusiast, who wishes to remain anonymous, was spotted by a patrolling officer running down the street with a full-sized fridge strapped to his back.
Upon questioning, the man explained that he was using the fridge as a makeshift weight for his training regime and that it was “perfect for building endurance and strength”. He further added that he had been successful in his previous attempts and this recent incident was a mere misunderstanding.
However, the police weren’t amused by his explanation and soon handed the man a hefty fine for obstructing traffic and causing a public disturbance. The officers explained to the man that a fridge was not a legitimate piece of marathon training equipment and that he should stick to running, jogging, and traditional weights like any sane person would.
Among the bystanders who witnessed the bizarre scene, opinions were divided. Some were amused by the man’s creativity, while others felt that he was needlessly endangering himself and others on the street. One witness was heard saying, “I mean, I get it. He’s trying to push himself, but seriously dude, there are gym memberships for that. Why endanger oneself for a training regime?”
Another onlooker was quick to point out that this could be the start of a trend, with people all over the city using unusual equipment to enhance their fitness routine. “Who knows? Maybe we’ll see someone running around with a washing machine strapped to their back or someone pushing a trolley filled with bricks down the street,” he said.
Meanwhile, a spokesperson for the marathon organizers has expressed his dismay over the incident and issued a statement urging participants to stick to the prescribed training regimens to avoid injuries and accidents.
The man’s fridge-training incident has gone viral on social media, with many taking the opportunity to poke fun at the oddity of the situation. One Twitter user tweeted, “Looks like he fridge failed the fitness test,” while another joked, “We should start a betting pool on how long it takes for his fridge to break his back.”
All in all, it remains a mystery as to why the man chose a fridge as his training tool, but one thing is for sure – he won’t be doing it again unless he wants to risk another hefty fine and public shaming. As for the rest of us, let’s stick to the traditional weights and leave the appliances for their designated use – refrigerating food.