Birthdays are special occasions, but for two newborns in New Jersey, their birthday celebrations may take a little longer

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Birthdays are special occasions, but for two newborns in New Jersey, their birthday celebrations may take a little longer. That’s right, folks – twins were born on two different days, and we’re all supposed to be shocked and amazed.

The twins, a boy and a girl, were born at the RWJBarnabas Health hospital in Holmdel, NJ, right before the stroke of midnight. So, baby girl arrived first, at 11:47 pm on December 31st. Baby boy, seemingly always the one to dominate the conversation, wasn’t content with sharing his big day with his sister. So, he decided to wait until 12:16 am on January 1st to make his grand entrance. Just like that, these two narcissists became the talk of the town.

Of course, we’re all supposed to gush about how amazing this is. How fortunate they are to have such special birthdays, and how they’ll never forget this momentous occasion in their lives. It’s almost as if it’s a competition between the two, to see who can have the most unique birthday. Well, congratulations to both of them – they’ve already made quite an impression.

The parents, naturally, are over the moon, and have taken to social media to share their joy with the world. They’ve even given their offspring matching names, Gabriel and Savannah, as though these kids aren’t already going to spend the rest of their lives being lumped together as “the twins.”

Yes, it’s all very special and sentimental, isn’t it? Except for one thing – who cares? Honestly, why is this news? We’ve been having babies since the dawn of time; it doesn’t matter if they’re born in the same year or not. Yet somehow, this story has gone viral. People are eating it up, sharing it endlessly, and making it seem like this is the most incredible thing that’s ever happened.

The babies themselves aren’t even aware of the fuss that’s being made over them. They’re probably far too busy screaming, crying, and pooping to care. But apparently, we’re all supposed to jump up and down with excitement over two babies being born, quite literally, a few minutes apart. As though it’s some kind of miracle.

It’s times like these that make you wonder what’s become of our society. We’re so desperate for something, anything, to distract us from the crushing monotony of daily life that we’ll latch on to any ridiculous story that comes our way. We’ll blow it out of proportion, turn it into a nationwide sensation, and then forget all about it within a week.

So, congratulations to the parents of these twins. You’ve managed to create a media frenzy over something that is, let’s be honest, pretty ordinary. We wish you and your children all the best, but let’s not make a big deal out of nothing. Next thing you know, we’ll have people giving birth to triplets on three different planets.

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