Local hero and super dad, John Smith, has just pushed both himself and the boundaries of what people thought was humanly possible by breaking the world record for pushing five children in a stroller for more than four straight hours

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Local hero and super dad, John Smith, has just pushed both himself and the boundaries of what people thought was humanly possible by breaking the world record for pushing five children in a stroller for more than four straight hours. The effort, which took place in the middle of rush hour traffic in downtown Anytown, was hailed as nothing short of a miracle by the hundreds of commuters who found themselves snarled in traffic as they gaped at the scene before them.

“People always tell me, ‘Wow, you must be really busy with all those kids!’ But the truth is, I just really love pushing things,” explained Smith, who is a well-known marathon runner and endurance athlete. “I’ve always been a big fan of strollers, and I thought this would be a fun way to challenge myself and give something back to the community.”

While Smith’s stunt was certainly laudable, it was not without its detractors. Several local parents expressed concern that the stunt may be sending the wrong message to other parents, and could potentially be putting children’s safety at risk.

“I mean, this is just ridiculous,” said one local mother, who wished to remain anonymous. “What kind of message are we sending to other parents? That it’s okay to put your children in danger just because you feel like showing off?”

Others, however, saw things differently. “I think it’s great,” said one bystander who had stopped to watch the spectacle. “It’s not every day you get to see someone break a world record, and it’s even rarer to see someone do it while pushing five kids.”

Despite the mixed reactions, Smith’s achievement marks a new high-water mark in the world of extreme endurance stroller pushing. And while he may have drawn some criticism, there is no denying that Smith’s incredible feat will be talked about for years to come.

“People are always looking for something to inspire them,” said Smith. “I just hope that my story can help show people what’s possible if you’re willing to put in the effort.”

So what’s next for Smith? While he hasn’t yet announced his plans, one thing is for sure: his record-breaking performance has set the bar high for other would-be stroller pushers out there. Whether or not anyone else will be up to the challenge remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: John Smith has set a new standard for crazy stunts that involve pushing heavy objects over great distances.

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