Canine Crisis Averted as Animal Shelter Reaches “Goal” of Finding Homes for Dogs It’s a happy day at the Hound Haven animal shelter as they pat themselves on the back for finally finding homes for every dog in their care

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Canine Crisis Averted as Animal Shelter Reaches “Goal” of Finding Homes for Dogs

It’s a happy day at the Hound Haven animal shelter as they pat themselves on the back for finally finding homes for every dog in their care. Because, you know, it’s not like they had a responsibility or anything to these innocent animals.

The shelter made the announcement just in time for the new year, as if reaching this “goal” was some kind of great accomplishment. It’s not like they were tasked with finding homes for these dogs or anything. Oh wait, they were?

“We’re just thrilled that all of our furry friends have found loving homes,” said the shelter’s director, who apparently forgets that it’s her job to ensure that all animals in the shelter find homes.

It’s also worth noting that this “goal” isn’t a new one for Hound Haven. They set the same goal last year and failed to reach it. But sure, let’s all celebrate this time because they finally did what they were supposed to do.

The fact that this announcement is being praised is indicative of a much larger issue: our society’s disregard for the well-being of animals. It’s a sad state of affairs when finding homes for animals in need is seen as a “goal” rather than a basic requirement for those in the business of animal rescue.

But hey, at least the shelter can now focus on more important things, like getting that new coat of paint in the lobby or selecting the perfect shade of carpet for the kennels.

In all seriousness, finding homes for every single dog in a shelter is a wonderful achievement that should be applauded. But it’s important to remember that it’s not a “goal” to be celebrated, but rather a vital and necessary responsibility. We must continue to push for animal welfare reform to ensure that all animals are given the love and care they deserve.

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