MAN EVICTS UNWANTED HOUSE GUEST WITH THE HELP OF ANIMAL RESCUERS In what can only be described as a gripping tale of eviction, a homeowner in California received much-needed assistance from animal rescuers to get rid of an obstinate and unwelcome guest: a bear trapped under his house

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In what can only be described as a gripping tale of eviction, a homeowner in California received much-needed assistance from animal rescuers to get rid of an obstinate and unwelcome guest: a bear trapped under his house. The bear, who had been living rent-free for god-knows-how-long, was finally given the boot thanks to the valiant efforts of animal defenders.

Apparently, the bear had gotten itself into a pickle by getting stuck under the house and refused to leave. Despite repeated reminders that it was in breach of the home’s “no-bears” clause, the stubborn animal refused to budge from its cozy abode. After days of failed attempts to coax the bear out with promises of honey and salmon, the homeowner decided enough was enough and called in the cavalry.

The animal defenders arrived promptly, armed with all the latest bear-scaring technology, which included a megaphone playing Justin Bieber’s greatest hits on repeat. It wasn’t long before the bear realized its mistake and quickly scurried away at the sound of Bieber’s unmistakable voice. The homeowner was over the moon with the outcome and could finally reclaim his house, ready to start afresh without any unwanted four-legged tenants.

“This is the best day of my life,” said the homeowner, grinning widely. “I get to have my home back and I don’t have to share it with a bear anymore. I just hope that it learned its lesson and won’t try to pull a stunt like this again.”

Meanwhile, the animal defenders were hailed as heroes for their bravery and ingenuity in coming up with such an effective method to evict the bear. They were quick to point out that they were just doing their job and that anyone in their position would have done the same thing.

“We’re just happy that we could help,” said one of the rescuers. “No one should have to put up with a bear living in their house. It’s just not right.”

The bear, who declined to give a statement, was last seen running away into the woods, seemingly unscathed by its eviction. Rumors have since surfaced that it has already found new digs and may be in the process of setting up shop in a nearby National Park. Only time will tell if this is true, or if it’s a ploy to get more honey.

In conclusion, this happy story is a testament to the power of perseverance and ingenuity, and a reminder that no one, not even bears, should be allowed to squat in someone else’s house. It’s good to see that the homeowner was able to get his life back on track and that the bear, though displaced, hopefully learned a valuable lesson about respecting the property rights of others.

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