Thanksgiving is the time of the year when we gather around the table with our loved ones and express our gratitude for the blessings in our lives

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Thanksgiving is the time of the year when we gather around the table with our loved ones and express our gratitude for the blessings in our lives. But apparently, some people take this tradition to the next level and turn it into a bizarre spectacle, featuring strange and unusual dishes that nobody asked for. Here are five times when Thanksgiving foods made the Odd News headlines, and we’re not sure if we should be impressed or disgusted.

1. The Turducken, a Frankenstein’s Monster of Meat

In case you’re not familiar with this monstrosity, the Turducken is a culinary masterpiece that involves stuffing a chicken inside a duck, and then stuffing the duck inside a turkey. The result? A three-layered meat feast that’s supposed to be the ultimate Thanksgiving centerpiece. But let’s be real here, who asked for this? Who looked at a perfectly good turkey and thought, “you know what this needs? More meat!” It’s like someone went on a mad scientist spree and decided to create a Frankenstein’s monster of meat. We’re all for creativity in the kitchen, but this is just taking things too far.

2. The Thanksgiving Pizza, a Carb Overload in a Box

Pizza is a beloved comfort food that can satisfy even the pickiest of eaters. But when you start adding Thanksgiving leftovers to it, things start to get out of hand. The Thanksgiving Pizza is a real thing, folks, and it’s exactly what it sounds like: a pizza topped with turkey, cranberry sauce, stuffing, and gravy. We’re not sure if this is genius or madness, but one thing’s for sure: it’s a carb overload in a box. If you’re looking for a way to ruin two perfectly good foods at once, look no further than the Thanksgiving Pizza.

3. The Mashed Potato Ice Cream, Why Just Eat Your Sides When You Can Drink Them?

Mashed potatoes are a Thanksgiving staple that can make or break your meal. But have you ever thought of turning them into ice cream? Yeah, neither have we. But apparently, there’s a restaurant in New York City that serves Mashed Potato Ice Cream, and people are lining up to try it. We get it, there’s something satisfying about eating a cold, creamy dessert that tastes like your favorite side dish. But if you start turning every food into ice cream, where will it end? Thanksgiving Dinner Ice Cream? Brussels Sprouts Sorbet? Trust us, some things are better left untouched.

4. The Deep-Fried Turkey, Because Health is Overrated

Turkey is a lean protein that’s supposed to be good for you, right? Well, not if you deep-fry it. The Deep-Fried Turkey has become a popular Thanksgiving trend, where people submerge their birds in a vat of scorching oil until they’re crispy and golden brown. We’re not sure why anyone would want to turn a healthy main dish into a heart attack waiting to happen, but hey, it’s their cholesterol levels, not ours.

5. The Mac and Cheese Turkey, Two Comfort Foods Become One

Mac and Cheese and Turkey are two classic comfort foods that have stood the test of time. But have you ever thought of combining them? Probably not, but someone did and the world wasn’t ready for this level of insanity. The Mac and Cheese Turkey is exactly what it sounds like: a turkey stuffed with mac and cheese. We’re not sure what kind of message this sends to our children, but it can’t be good. Let’s just stick to eating our mac and cheese on the side, and leave the turkeys alone.

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