In an astonishingly strange discovery, a military missile was found as a decorative piece in a garden in Wales, where it had allegedly been for over 100 years

In an astonishingly strange discovery, a military missile was found as a decorative piece in a garden in Wales, where it had allegedly been for over 100 years. The antiquity of the missile was quickly identified because of the distinct markings that placed it in the early 20th century.

Whilst it may seem like a huge mystery as to how this missile ended up in someone’s garden, it has been suggested that it was snatched by a thief who thought it was a garden gnome, many moons ago. And since then, the enormous missile has been mistaken for an impressive garden decoration.

The discovery was made when the current owners of the garden were digging up their flower beds to lay down new turf. They were taken aback at the sight of the missile and immediately contacted the authorities to come to investigate. It was quite the scene as the police department swarmed the small hamlet and sent bomb disposal units to take care of the missile.

When the bomb squad began to transport the missile, they noticed something odd about its weight. Upon further inspection, it was revealed that the inside of the missile was filled with soil. This discovery infuriated the bomb squad and left many scratching their heads as to what could have happened. It is assumed that some enthusiastic gardeners had taken it upon themselves to plant some flowers in the missile for good measure.

After much deliberation and investigation, it was discovered that the missile belonged to a military base that had been active in the 1910s in the United Kingdom. It was originally reported missing, following a theft, but the authorities were perplexed as to how it could have remained undiscovered for over a century.

In a statement, the UK police department noted how lucky it was that the missile had remained inert during its time as a garden decoration. The missile was so heavy that it required a crane to lift it out of the garden safely.

The owners of the garden noted that they had only recently discovered the missile, but had hoped to keep it as a quirky feature in their garden. They claimed that they had no idea it was a missile or that it was potentially very dangerous. The police department, however, had a different take on it and have warned residents to be extra vigilant when digging up their gardens or moving garden ornaments.

This discovery of a missile in a garden has been dubbed as one of the most bizarre incidents in the United Kingdom’s history. It has left both the authorities and the owners of the garden equally perplexed and has raised many questions on the potential whereabouts of other missing military equipment.

It remains a mystery as to how this military missile ended up in a garden in Wales, but at least we can take comfort knowing that it has been taken care of, and that no one was hurt during its time as a garden decoration.

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