Zoo officials are flapping with excitement after a parrot managed to escape from the facility with the help of a visitor’s shoulders

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Zoo officials are flapping with excitement after a parrot managed to escape from the facility with the help of a visitor’s shoulders. The bird, believed to be a skilled master of disguise, managed to go unnoticed as it perched on a visitor’s shoulder and rode out of the zoo. Officials are now frantically searching for the feathered fugitive, as they realize they may have underestimated the intelligence and cunning of their bird residents.

One witness, who wished to remain anonymous, spoke to us: “I saw the parrot perched up on this woman’s shoulder, and I was like ‘oh, how cute!’ But then I realized that it was actually hitching a ride out of the zoo. I mean, I’m not one to judge ….but that bird totally played us all.”

The escape has left many zoo-goers feeling uneasy, as they worry that other animals may also try to make a run for it. One visitor exclaimed: “What’s next, the monkeys teaming up with the elephants and planning a mass escape? This is madness!”.

Zoo officials have promised to re-double their efforts to ensure that all residents are safely contained and have even installed an extra layer of surveillance to catch any would-be escapees. “We’ve got our eyes on all of them now,” said one official, “and we’re not going to let any clever birds or devious animals get the better of us.”

The parrot involved in the great escape is believed to be a Blue and Gold Macaw, known for their colorful feathers and their intelligence. It’s been suggested that the bird may have been plotting the escape for some time, and that its hitchhiking plan was carefully thought out.

Now that the parrot is on the loose, the zoo has asked anyone who spots it to contact them immediately. “We don’t want any untrained civilians trying to capture our bird,” said one official, “we don’t want to ruin this bird’s great adventure. But we do want to get it safely back home, where it belongs”.

If you see the bird, officials are warning citizens not to try to engage with it or make any sudden movements. It’s believed that the bird is highly skilled in martial arts and could take down an untrained person with ease. Officials are urging the public to leave the bird alone and to call in the authorities as soon as possible.

This escape has put the British zoo on high alert, and officials say that they will no longer underestimate the intelligence of their animals. So the next time you visit the zoo, just remember: the animals are watching you, and they may be planning something big.

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