“Loose Emus at Veterinary Clinic Cause Mass Hysteria among Employees” It was just another day at work for the veterinary clinic employees in England until they were abruptly interrupted by the arrival of two emus in their parking lot

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“Loose Emus at Veterinary Clinic Cause Mass Hysteria among Employees”

It was just another day at work for the veterinary clinic employees in England until they were abruptly interrupted by the arrival of two emus in their parking lot. The birds caused quite the spectacle as bewildered employees looked on in shock.

“That was definitely not on the schedule for today,” said clinic receptionist, Karen Smith. “I’m not sure what’s more surprising, seeing emus in the middle of England or seeing them show up in our parking lot!”

At first, the employees were unsure of what to do about the unexpected visitors. However, they quickly realized that they had a job to do and sprang into action. The employees made frantic calls to local authorities, hoping to get the birds safely off of their property.

“We knew we couldn’t let them hang around,” said clinic veterinarian, Dr. Tom Jenkins. “I mean, we work with cats and dogs, not birds that are taller than us! Plus, we had customers coming in and out, and these emus were causing quite the scene.”

The emus appeared to be relatively unbothered by the commotion they caused as they strutted around the parking lot, pecking at anything they could find. Clinic staff tried to lure the birds away from the building with food, but the emus were not interested in anything on offer.

“They were just having a grand old time, completely oblivious to the chaos they were causing,” said Smith. “Meanwhile, we were all running around like headless chickens trying to figure out how to get rid of them.”

The situation finally came to an end when animal control experts arrived and were able to safely capture the emus. The birds were taken to a nearby animal sanctuary, where they will be cared for until their owner is identified.

While the emus may have caused quite the excitement for the veterinary clinic employees, it’s important to remember that wild animals should never be taken lightly. The staff at the clinic did a great job of handling the situation and ensuring the safety of everyone involved.

“We may have had a crazy day at work, but at least it wasn’t boring!” said Smith with a nervous laugh. “I just hope those emus don’t decide to come back for a visit – we’re not equipped to handle that kind of excitement on a regular basis!”

The incident may have been an amusing anecdote for the news, but it serves as a reminder that wildlife can show up in unexpected places. In the future, it’s best to leave the handling of any wild animals to trained professionals and not attempt to deal with them on our own.

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