Breaking News: Man’s Hatred for Go-Go Music Wins Him $100,000!
In a bizarre turn of events, a man from Maryland has claimed that his revulsion towards go-go music helped him win a whopping $100,000 from a scratch-off lottery ticket. The man, who requested anonymity, stated that he had a deep-seated dislike for the musical genre and decided to buy a lottery ticket instead of attending a go-go concert.
In an exclusive interview with our correspondent, the man explained, “I was walking past a music store and heard the loud, obnoxious beats of go-go music blaring out. I wanted to cover my ears, but then I remembered the lottery stand across the street and decided to try my luck.”
As fate would have it, the man bought a scratch-off ticket for $10 and uncovered the hidden prize of $100,000. He reportedly screamed in disbelief and said that he felt like he had won the lottery twice: once because of the cash prize and secondly because he was saved from hearing more of the ‘awful’ go-go music.
The man’s comments have garnered mixed reactions from the go-go music-loving community, with many questioning the validity of his distaste. One go-go fanatic tweeted, “If you’re from Maryland and hate go-go music, you’re not a true Marylander. Period!” Another expressed her disbelief, stating, “I can’t believe someone hates go-go music so much that they’d rather risk losing $10 on a scratch-off ticket to avoid it.”
In response, the man defended his choice to buy the ticket, saying, “I have nothing against the people who listen to go-go music, but I just can’t stand the music itself. It’s too loud and chaotic for my liking.”
When asked what he planned to do with the prize money, the man stated that he would use it to fund a music program that focused on classical music. “I want to promote the beauty of classical compositions,” he said. “It’s a much more refined form of music that doesn’t assault your senses like go-go does.”
Despite his opinion being in the minority, the man’s fortuitous win has given him the last laugh. His story has also sparked debates about what truly constitutes ‘good’ music and whether taste is subjective.
For now, the man from Maryland is celebrating his stroke of good luck and enjoying the sweet sound of silence. As for go-go music fans, they have to accept that not everyone enjoys the energetic beats and boundary-pushing genre.